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Suicide Squad #11 review: read it but didn't buy it

I read the first few pages of the issue online which you can do here if you care to: http://www.newsarama.com/php/multimedia/album_view.php?gid=4369  As for the rest of the issue I basically just browsed it on the shelf  but I felt uninspired to buy it. After The Squad's little "mid air accident" they find themselves washed ashore on some remote island where they encounter some primitive natives who proceed to have them as their guests. In return the natives get to watch and listen to The Squad bitch and fight amongst themselves pretty much till the end of the issue. It's basically Task Force X meets Danger Island from that late 70s kids show The Banana Splits. And unfortunately there's no sign of Yo-Yo in this issue which was the only thing of any interest in last month's issue given that he was about to kill Waller for having left him in King Shark's stomach.
So to no surprise from what I could see this was more of the same mediocrity I've come to expect of the Suicide Squad reboot. But never the less I should probably stop beating up on Adam Glass. Based on all that's been said I'd give Adam the benefit of the doubt that DC is not letting him do everything he may want to do with this book. He no doubt has seen the stuff I've been ranting about on this blog and has said that we're on the same side.
So it is quite possible want we want to see in the book may be also what he wants to see in the book. Of course I wouldn't expect Adam to show up here again and verify or deny all this. Pissing off the "bosses" at DC would probably not be in his best interest. After all being a writer for DC is part of his lively hood and as you can see from his Facebook profile the man does have a family to take care. But speaking for myself I still ain't spendin no money for a book that isn't enjoyable to read. In fact, if I was a betting man at this point I'd put my money on this title tanking faster then the U.S. housing market did in late 2008 if Harley Quinn were to make a sudden exit from the series.

Hey DC! Just bite down on your cyanide tooth and yell "hail Naga Naga" or "allha ackbar already". It's better then the slow death you're going through as of now.

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