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2013 summary

Well, if the other years weren't very productive, what should we say about 2013?

11 muslim archers from Strelets;
Conclusion of a medieval little dio;
More medieval and napoleonic figures. Working only on one or two figures at the same time was new. I got better painting works than when I painted 20 or more figures...

Went Ancient with Theseus and the Minotaur.

This is a month for trees and maybe camping. And so I did a few trees and tents!
And painted a group of Crusaders from Mars (see last link).
Then I moved to the Napoleonic period for a group of Nassauers...  and back to Medieval times with some Miniart figures;

That log house...

Some more tents for the medieval figures...
Finished the Stargate dio (my 2013 favourite work).
And the Hougoumont defenders kept coming. Here a few british Foot Guards.

More Foot Guards here too...
And a scratch built stone house. Enough, time to go to the beach...

Two figures to remember one of my favourite TV shows (Allô! Allô!). Not as simple as it seemed...
And started with those nasty goblins...

The goblins aren't yet finished, as the bases aren't complete. The painting is so let's say its 80% finished...
The goblins were giving me some work, so I decided to try another scratch built pieces, 3 trebuchets and the figures to go along with them! (finished trebuchets again at this post)

And my modeling year finished that August...
However, I can anounce that I am going back home this January and that means going back to the hobby. Old and new projects are on my mind, lets see what is going to happen...

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