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Adventureland: DVD Review

Adventureland: DVD Review

Cast: Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Bill Hader, Ryan Reynolds
Rating: M
Released by Roadshow Home Entertainment
Jesse Eisenberg (who appeared in the fantastic Zombieland) stars as James whose 1980s college plans are scuppered by his father's loss of job.
Faced with the option to abandon his plans for college, James ends up taking a job at a local fairground to try and scrape together the cash. However, it's not really about the money after he falls for fellow carny, Emily (Twilight's Kristen Stewart).

Only she's not as available as he thinks because she's wrapped up with an older man (Ryan Reynolds)&but that doesn't stop James falling hard.

Ah the American coming of age film - it is in its own rights becoming a rites of passage for movie makers. Adventureland is from Greg Mottola who did Superbad - although the humour is of a more subtle and wistful nature in this release.

Adventureland is great fun -wrapped full of humourous well timed lines and pitch perfect performances (including Bill Hader as the carny boss complete with horrendous tache). It's a nod back to the 80s and despite the somewhat tired out genre, Adventureland is a welcome entry - it's fresh, amusing and strangely recognisable.

A soon to be cult classic is tempered only by the relative lack of extras.

Rating: 7/10

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